Blog Archive

Friday, June 24, 2011

minolta super a + damaged film

i picked up a new 35mm rangefinder at the salvation army last week and ran a test roll through it, which happened to be a roll of film that i experimented on with intentional damages.

before i shot it, i soaked the roll in a mixture of salt, mouthwash, and water for about 5 hours, and took it out and let it air dry for a day or two. next time i won't add so much salt because the little specks are a little much for me, but i love the effects of the other additives! many thanks to joe for inspiring me to play with intentional film damages!

grace and kelsey




new dress


twin chairs in the backyard

my lovely mother on a sunday morning

in n out burger :)




have some fun and destroy some film, make something interesting

delightfully yours,


  1. wow these are so cool and pretty
    if i ever am brave enough i want to try it :)

  2. ok, this is SO COOL! I've always loved when people use damaged film, but this is one of my favorite damaged rolls for sure. Thanks for telling us what you used! I love the effects, and I've tried so hard to look up what things damage film in what way, but I've never really found anything that helpful. I'll definitely try this one day :) You should do another experimental roll if you get the chance! I just thought of Hydrogen Peroxide, and I wonder if that would do anything... hmm, I'll have to try it! :)

  3. Really cool!

    I just got mine Super A on the way, i'll give it a try! I have some expired kodak film (expired Mar 2006), will be good for salty mouthwash. Hahaha.....
